Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2011, №02
- BUDADIN O.N., KUTYURIN YU.G., FILIPENKO A.A., MUKHANOV E.E. Facility for automated ultrasonic nondestructive testing of complex-contoured products from polymer materials ... 25
- SHULZHENKO A.V., POGORELAJA L.M., MANORIK P.A., GREBENNIKOV V.N., SIDOROVA N.A. Method of manufacturing sets of permeable elements with specified throughput capacity for capillary control leaks ... 30
- ABRAMOVA E.V. Diagnostic systems of thermal control: comprehensive approach... 34
- BURAU N.I., KLEFA YU.V., KULISH E.V. Development of methods for diagnostics of functional technical condition of structural elements of anti-landslide anchoring facilities Information 1. Analysis of stressed-deformed state and anchor natural frequency...40
- GUDOSHNIKOV V.A., GUBSKII S.A., POPOV V.A., CHMYR YU.V. Investigation and practice of application of magnetic structuroscopy in technical diagnostics of loading cranes of «Sibtayzhmash» plant... 46
- DUKHOVSKII A.YU., SIDOROV V.A. Application of endoscopy at examination of mechanical equipment in metallurgical plants ...51
- 10th jubilee international exhibition «NDT RUSSIA – 2011 Nondestructive testing and technical diagnostics in industry»...57
- Industrial exhibitions PATON EXPO...58
- 7th National Hungarian Conference-Exhibition on NDT...60
- Certification of slovenian specialists...61