2017 №01 (03) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (05)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #01
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №1, 2017 pp. 25-29

X-ray mini testing technology based on solid plane-parallel detector

Troitskii V. A.1, Mikhailov S. R.2, Pastovenskii R. O.1

1E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, 11 Kazimir Malevych str., 03680, Kiev.
2NTUU «Igor Sikorsky Kiev Politechnic Institute». 37, Pobedy Ave., 03056, Kiev, Ukraine.
E-mail: fel@kpi.ua  
A new technology of radiation control with application of small-sized solid plane parallel detectors is proposed, which was called X-ray mini technology. The paper gives the results of the proposed technology application for radiation testing of welded joints of different items, state of honeycomb panels of flying vehicles and investigation of closed spaces. 2 References, 1 Tables, 9 Figures.
Keywords: radiation control, X-ray mini technology, solid plane parallel detector, X-ray TV system, digital radiography


1. Troitskii V. A. et al. (2015) Modern systems of radiation non-destructive testing. Tekh. Diagnost. i Nerazrush. Kontrol, #1, 23-35. https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2015.01.03
2. Troitsky V. A., Mikhaylov S. R., Bukhensky V. N. (2014) Fleshradiografiya obyektov AES na osnove ploskopanelnykh detektorov. Informatsiinyi biuleten Ukrainskoho tovarystva neruinivnoho kontroliu ta tekhnichnoi diahnostyky «NKInform», № 3, 6-14.