2017 №01 (06) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (08)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #01
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №1, 2017 pp. 43-46

Realization of neural network algorithms for classification of technical state of composite materials by acoustic testing results

Galagan R. M., Momot A. S.

NTUU Igor Sykorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute». 37, Peremohy Prosp.
E-mail: rgalagan@ukr.net

Possibility of application of APT-2 neural network architecture for development of algorithms for classification of technical condition of composite materials by the results of acoustic testing by free oscillations method, is considered. Interface and results of operation of a program that implements the APT-2 network are described, and a device for testing by free oscillations method was developed. 10 References, 2 Figures.
Keywords: neural networks, composite materials, defect classes, interface, diagnostics


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