2017 №01 (05) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (07)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #01
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №1, 2017 pp. 37-42

Principles for development of hardware-software complex for nondestructive testing of aircraft composite structural components

Muravsky L. I., Voronyak T. I., Ivanytsky Ya. L., Dzhala V. R., Kuts O. G.

Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute NAS of Ukraine. 79060, Lviv-60, Naukova str., 5.
E-mail: murav@ipm.lviv.ua  
The basic principles for development of a portable hardware-software complex for nondestructive testing of aircraft composite structural components are considered. This complex will combine means of electronic speckle interferometry, digital image correlation and microwave frequency nondestructive testing, which optimization and synchronization will be implemented with the help of the appropriate software. The complex is created to develop new techniques for monitoring and diagnostics of composite structural elements and composite or metal-composite joints in aircraft equipment. The developed techniques will allow increasing the reliability and lifetime of structural elements due to internal defects detection, analysis of three-dimensional displacement fields of contact surfaces and evaluation of damage and bearing stress in joints elements. 21 References, 6 Figures.


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