2017 №01 (08) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (10)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #01
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №1, 2017 pp. 54-57

Vibrational testing of slabbing mill 1150

Baglai A. V.

SE «DIAMEX-UKRAINE». ABK-1, 19, Kirgyzskaya str., 61105, Kharkov-105.
E-mail: diamech@diamech.com.ua

Vibrodiagnostic method was used to perform non-destructive testing of the state of bearing supports of the main drive of horizontal rolls of slabbing mill 1150 at PJSC «ZAPOROZHSTAL». Causes for malfunction of bearing assemblies were analyzed with subsequent issuing of recommendations on development of procedures of diagnostics of horizontal shaft rolls and finding the optimum engineering solution for their realization. 2 References, 1 Tables, 5 Figures.
Keywords: nondestructive testing, vibrodiagnostic method, bearing assemblies, evaluation of technical state


1. GOST 20815–93 «Mashiny elektricheskiye vrashchayushchiyesya. Mekhanicheskaya vibratsiya nekotorykh vidov mashin s vysotoy osi vrashcheniya 56 mm i boleye. Izmereniye, otsenka i dopustimye znacheniya». Mezhgosudarstvenny standart. [in Russian].
2. Diagnostika i dinamika prokatnykh stanov / V. V. Verenev i dr. // Dnepropetrovsk, IMA-press, 2007. – 144 c. [in Russian].