2017 №02 (09) DOI of Article
2017 №02 (02)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #02
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №2, 2017 pp. 3-8

Acoustic emission in tension of bimetal specimens

A. Ya. Nedoseka, S. A. Nedoseka

The paper considers the peculiarities of formation of acoustic emission events in bimetals at their deformation. The results were obtained in tension of the specimens made of steel 25Kh1MF and manurite (36XM). Joining of two materials with different properties in tested specimens was carried out by welding in their average part. The results of tests showed that presence of a boundary of properties division at welded-up material extension more than 0.2 mm leads only to reduction of amplitude of waves propagating in the material and does not effect location of coordinates of acoustic emission signals for selected measurement base. The process of tensile testing of bimetal specimen up to fracture revealed that testing technology based on acoustic emission can be used for dissimilar materials testing and allows tracing whole kinetics of nucleation and propagation of damages in material at its deformation. Ref. 11, Table 1, Figures 5.
Keywords: bimetals, welded specimen, acoustic emission, rod, calculation, wave, testing
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