2017 №02 (05) DOI of Article
2017 №02 (07)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #02
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №2, 2017 pp. 42-49

Ultrasonic method of evaluation of diffused material damage based on back-scattered signal

R. I. Romanishin, Ya. L. Ivanitskii, V. V. Koshovyi, S. T. Shtayura, I. M. Romanishin, O. M. Mokriy, P. M. Semak

Non-destructive method volume based on recording of back-scattered ultrasonic signal in from of A-scan was proposed for evaluation of diffused damage in metal. Informative technologies of processing of back-scattered signal and results of experimental testing on samples with different level of hydrogen damage were presented. Ref. 25, Figures 4
Keywords: diffused damage, ultrasonic back-scattered signals, statistical processing, dispersion, B-scan
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