?> Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2017, №02
2017 №02 (04) DOI of Article
2017 №02 (06)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #02
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №2, 2017 pp. 33-41

Peculiarities of application of Smart Grid technology in systems for monitoring and diagnostics of heat-and-power engineering objects

A. A. Zaporozhets, A. D. Sverdlova

The possibilities of application of “smart grids” in the systems for monitoring and diagnostics of heat-and-power engineering equipment were considered. The reasons of failures and emergencies of equipment for generation, transporting and consumption of thermal energy were analyzed. Considered were the methods of non-destructive testing applicable to diagnostics of technical assemblies and informative signals, which appear in process of power equipment operation. Functioning structures of heat-and-power engineering equipment were proposed for application of the Smart Grid technology in the systems for monitoring and diagnostic of corresponding hierarchy. The main advantages of power grids based on the Smart Grid technology in comparison with traditional grids were investigated. A structure was developed for multi-level system of diagnostic of heat-and-power engineering equipment with possibility of application of wire and wireless channels of information communication. Ref. 17, Tables 4, Figures 5
Keywords: diagnostic system, heat-and-power engineering equipment, non-destructive testing, Smart Grid technology
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