
2020 №02 (01) DOI of Article
2020 №02 (03)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2020 #02
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing #2, 2020, pp. 13-21

Diagnosis of damage to ferromagnetic steels during mechanical loading by results of measurements of coercive force

O.P. Gopkalo1, G.Ya. Bezlyudko2, A.A. Kotliarenko1, Yu.P. Kurash1, R.M. Solomacha2

1G.S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of the NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine. 01014, 2 Timiryazevska str., E-mail: ips@ipp.kiev.ua
2LLC «Special Scientific Developments», Kharkiv, Ukraine. 61184, Kharkiv, s/b 12036. E-mail: mail@snr-ndt.com

An experimental substantiation of the possibility of estimating the degree of technological and operational damage to metal structures made of ferromagnetic steels was performed by the results of measuring the coercive force. The revealed effect of a sharp change of direction and maximum values of coercive force when exceeding the stresses of the conditional yield strength on the surface of the most damaged parts of the product allows separating the damage received in the structure metal under elastic deformation (to the tensile yield strength) and damage obtained at elasto-plastic deformation right up to destruction, and clearly delineating the boundaries of the zones of received reversible and irreversible damage. Due to the effect of a sharp change in the direction and maximum values of coercive force at exceeding the stresses of the conditional yield strength in the most damaged parts of structures, there is no need to determine the mechanical characteristics of strength and ductility of the metal, as the load diagnostics is conducted relative to the conditional yield strength. Variation of the orientation of the pole tips of the sensor magnets to measure the values of coercive force relative to the studied surface allows determination of the most deformed and damaged areas, establishing the direction of principal stresses and assessing the structural homogeneity of the metal. 14 Ref., 10 Fig.
Keywords: structuroscope, coercive force, load, damage, stress, deformation, fracture

Received: 24.01.2020


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