"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #2, 2020, pp. 37-42
Monitoring the technical state of load-carrying structures of metal shaft headgear in operation
V.A. Kulish, E.S. Krylov
SC «Institut «UkrNIIProekt» of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine. 46/2 Akademik Palladin Prosp., Kyiv, 03142.
E-mail: post.unp@ukr.net
C «Institut «UkrNIIProekt» conducted scientific-technical research, the results of which were used as the base to develop industry
regulatory-technical documents (RTD) SOU-N10.1.00174125.001:2012 «Procedure and organization of metal headgear inspection»
and DD 12.005-94 (modified) «Metal structure of shaft headgear. Operating requirements», which regulate the procedures of
monitoring and assessment of the technical condition of load-carrying metal structures of shaft headgear during their inspection and
operation. They meet the requirements of current legislation and regulatory documents and promote improvement of the safety and
operating reliability of shaft headgear due to timely obtaining of information on their actual technical state. 9 Ref., 3 Tabl., 5 Fig.
Keywords: monitoring, technical state, scientific-technical research, load-carrying structure, metal shaft headgear; defect,
inspection, verification calculation
Received: 18.12.2019
1. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of
26.05.2004 No. 687: Procedure for conducting inspection,
testing and expert examination (technical diagnostics) of highrisk
machines, mechanisms and equipment [in Ukrainian].
2. NPAOP 10.0-1.01-10: Safety rules in coal mines [in Ukrainian].
3. NPAOP 45.2-1.01-98: Rules for inspection, assessment of
technical conditions and certification of industrial buildings
and structures [in Ukrainian].
4. Kulish, V.A., Krylov, E.S. (2018) Monitoring and assessment of the technical condition of metal structures of buildings and constructions of mine surface. Tekh. Diagnost. i Nerazrush. Kontrol, 1, 47-52 [in Ukrainian].
https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.075. DBN362-92: Evaluation of technical condition of steel structures
of production buildings and facilities in operation [in Ukrainian].
6. DBN V.1.2-14-2009: General principles for ensuring the reliability
and constructive safety of buildings, facilities, civil
structures and bases [in Ukrainian].
7. DBN V.2.6-163:2010: Steel structures. Standards of design,
manufacturing and installation [in Ukrainian].
8. SOU-Т10.1.00174125.001:2012: Procedure and organization
of metal headgear. Standard of Ministry of Energy and
Coal Industry of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
9. KD 12.005-94 (modified): Metal structures of shaft headgears.
Operating requirements. Directives of Ministry of Energy
and Coal Industry of Ukraine [in Ukraine].
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