"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #2, 2023, pp. 22-27
Nondestructive evaluation of residual stresses in welded joints on the base of a combination of ultrasonic testing and speckle-interferometry
L.M. Lobanov1, V.V. Knysh1, M.O. Pashchin1, V.G. Kot1, O.L. Mikhodui1, Ye.D. Pekar1, Luyi Huang2, A.O. Alyoshyn3
1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2Zhejiang Special Equipment Research Institute. 211 Kaixuan Road, Hangzhou, China. E-mail: yuxf@zjtj.org
3Foreign Economy Representation of the E.O. Paton Chinese-Ukrainian Institute of Welding», Ltd. 11 Kazymyr Malevych str.,
03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. Е-mail: ft.cupiw.pwi@gmail.com
It was found that a combination of the advantages of ultrasonic testing and electron speckle-interferometry in the case of
elimination of their disadvantages is the base for development of the method of nondestructive evaluation of residual welding
stresses in full-scale structures. A procedure of nondestructive evaluation of the distribution of residual tensile welding stresses
in the weld zone of a butt welded joint was developed. It is based on simultaneous application of ultrasonic testing and electron
speckle-interferometry and fulfillment of the condition of «area equality» of the epures of balanced compressive and tensile
residual stresses. The procedure was proposed for application on samples of single-pass welded joints of sheet constructions
from metallic materials with a stable structure. The subject of the study are tensile residual welding stresses in a MIG-welded
sample of a butt joint of structurally stable 1561 aluminium alloy. Residual welding stress component σх longitudinal relative to
the weld was evaluated in the plate central area. It was found that the discrepancy of the values of residual welding stresses near
the center of the welded joint of 1561 aluminium alloy is equal to approximately 0.1σ0,2 for this material, which corresponds to
the claimed accuracy of the methods. Based on the investigation results, a range of procedures was proposed for nondestructive
evaluation of the residual welding stresses in full-scale welded structures, based on a combination of ultrasonic testing and
electron speckle-interferometry. 9 Ref., 2 Tabl., 6 Fig.
Keywords: residual welding stresses, ultrasonic testing (UT), electronic speckle-interferometry (ЕSPІ), butt joint sample, MIG welding,
compressive and tensile testing, longitudinal component of stresses, aluminium alloy, procedure of nondestructive evaluation of stresses
Received: 24.03.2023
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