Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 15
Petushkov V.G., Bryzgalin A.G. and Titov V.A.Mechanism of relaxation of residual stresses in explosion loading of welded joints ...51 (2001, №01)
Petushkov V.G., Titov V.A. and Bryzgalin A.G.Limiting thickness of welded joints to be explosion treated. 20 (2002, №01)
Titov V.A., Danilchenko B.V., Volkov A.N., Bryzgalin A.G., Polishchuk S.M., Koritsky V.A. and Andreev V.V.Pilot Plant of Welding Equipment of the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine in the new conditions of economy ... 30 (2003, №02)
Dobrushin L.D., Petushkov V.G. and Bryzgalin A.G.Application of explosion energy for treatment of welded joints on decomposers and mixers at the Nikolaev Alumina Plant ... 47 (2008, №05)