Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 19
DMITRIK V.V.Structure of welded joints from low-alloyed heat-resistant Cr-Mo-V pearlitic steels 26 (2000, №04)
Dmitrik V.V. and Shevchenko V.V.Effectiveness in use of molten pool heat ... 24 (2001, №04)
Dmitrik V.V. and Pashchenko A.N.Decrease in structural heterogeneity of incomplete refining region of the HAZ of elded joints in pearlitic steels ... 11 (2003, №07)
Dmitrik V.V. and Pritula S.I.Current-carrying nozzles of powder materials for welding torches ... 38 (2005, №03)
Dmitrik V.V. and Konyk A.I.On concept of pore initiation in welded joints under low-temperature creep 24 (2005, №07)
Dmitrik V.V., Tsaryuk A.K., Bugaets A.A. and Grinchenko E.D.Evaluation of remaining life of welded joints of pipelines for thermal power plants ... 6 (2006, №02)
Dmitrik V.V., Tsaryuk A.K. and Konyk A.I.Carbide phases and damageability of welded joints of steam pipelines under creep conditions ... 28 (2008, №03)