"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #5, 2020, pp. 25-30
Improvement of crack resistance of banded support rolls at high-speed surfacing with low energy input
S.V. Shchetinin, V.I. Shchetinina, S.P. Desyatskii
Priazovskii State Technical University, 7 Universitetskaya Str., 87555, Mariupol, Ukraine.
E-mail: shchetynin.sergey2012@gmail.com
The objective of the work is improvement of deposited metal crack resistance and development of the process of high-speed
surfacing with a low energy input of banded support rolls. In order to achieve the set objective, we developed the process of
improving the crack resistance due to high-speed surfacing of banded support rolls with a low energy input. In keeping with
the equation of heat propagation at high-speed surfacing with a low energy input, increase of surfacing speed is accompanied
by lowering of heat input, narrowing of melting isotherm width and HAZ. Calculation and experimental methods were used
to establish that at increase of surfacing speed, lower heat input results in decrease of deformations and welding stresses, and
reduction of HAZ, where cold cracks form, that prevents delamination of the deposited metal. Melting and solidification rates
rise, time of the pool staying in the liquid state is reduced that prevents liquid metal pouring out of the weld pool and improves
deposited metal formation. Established regularities were the base for development of the process of high-speed surfacing with
low energy input, at which the heat input and welding stresses decrease, HAZ is reduced and deposited metal delamination
is prevented, melting and solidification rate increase, time of the pool staying in the liquid state becomes shorter, and crack
resistance of banded support rolls becomes higher. Developed process of high-speed surfacing of banded support rolls with a low
energy input provides a lowering of the heat input and welding stresses, HAZ reduction, increase of melting and solidification
rates and crack resistance, and absence of deposited metal delamination or band failures. 11 Ref., 6 Fig.
Keywords: high-speed surfacing with low energy input, melting isotherms, heat input, welding stresses, HA, crack resistance,
banded support rolls
Received: 24.10.2019
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