2018 №02 (07) DOI of Article
2018 №02 (09)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2018 #02
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №2, 2018, pp. 59-62

Issues of vibration diagnosis of rolling mill equipment

V.V.Verenev1, A.V.Baglai2, S.V.Belodedenko3

1Z.I.Nekrasov Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of the NAS of Ukraine,
1 Akademik Starodubov sq., 49107, Dnepr. E-mail: verenev0704@gmail.com
2SC «Diamekh-Ukraine», 19, Kyrgyzka str., Kharkiv, 61105, AKB-1. E-mail: baglay@diamech.com.ua
3National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, 4 Gagarina Ave., 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine. e-mail: segeibelo@gmail.com
The study shows that vibration processes in transition operating modes and at the steady-state process of rolling and idle run of the mill should be taken into account at development of the system for diagnosis of rolling stand equipment. With such an approach, the information field for diagnostic purposes is significantly enriched. Examples of transition and vibration processes in the stand equipment are given. 5 References, 1 Table, 4 Figures.
Keywords: rolling mill, equipment, drive line, transition processes, vibration, diagnostics
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  3. Usugi, T., Kayasi, K. (2005) Device for damping horizontal shock loads and stand vibration in a hot rolling mill. Bull. Chyorn. Metallurgiya, 6, 52-55 [in Russian].
  4. Verenev, V.V., Bolshakov, V.I., Putnoki, A.Yu. et al. (2007) Diagnostics and dynamics of rolling mills. Dnepropetrovsk, IMA-press [in Russian].
  5. Genkin, M.D. (1987) Vibroacoustic diagnostics of machines and mechanisms. Moscow, Mashinostroenie [in Russian].
Received: 21.04.2018
Published: 24.05.2018