2020 №03 (09) DOI of Article
2020 №03 (02)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2020 #03
"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #3, 2020, pp. 11-15

Composites based on magnetic nanoparticles for nondestructive magnetic and magnetic-luminescent flaw detection

I.V. Vasylenko1, N.V. Grabova1, A.S. Lytvynenko1, V.V. Pavlishchuk1, S.V. Kolotilov1, M.L. Kazakevych2

1L.V. Pissarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine. 31 Nauka Prosp., 03028, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: admini@inphyschem-nas.kiev.ua
2State Enterprise «Koloran» of L.V. Pissarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine. 31 Nauka Prosp., 03028, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: koloran@email.ua

The paper presents the results of development of magnetic and magnetic-luminescent fluid based on nanosized CoFe2O4 particles, as well as composites of CoFe2O4 and Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles with organic polymers. It is shown that application of CoFe2O4-based fluid for magnetic flaw detection allows visualization of defects with the total opening width of at least 1.2 ~m. Addition of luminescent dye to magnetic fluid enables producing magnetic-luminescent material, application of which allows detection of defects due to drawing of the entire fluid into the magnetic field. A simple technique is proposed for preparation of compositions to obtain replicas for magnetic particle flaw detection. It consists in development of Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 magnetic fluids, which contain organic polymers, and solidify upon removal of the solvent. Developed materials are characterized by a high sensitivity at flaw detection, and can be readily produced without additional procedures or materials. 12 Ref., 1 Table, рис. 4
Keywords: magnetic flaw detection, magnetic-luminescent flaw detection, magnetic nanoparticles, compositions, organic polymers, defect replicas

Received: 09.07.2020


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