"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #4, 2020, pp. 3-7
Development of the method for assessment of serviceability and residual life of the main pipelines with service macrodelamination
O.T. Tsiryulnik, N.V. Kret, O.I. Zvirko, G.M. Nikiforchin
G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NASU. 5 Naukova Str., 79060, Lviv, Ukraine.
E-mail: otsyrulnyk@gmail.com
Expert examination of defectiveness of rectangular elbows/bends of pipes in a compressor station of gas transportation systema fter 40 years
of operation and of a linear above-ground section of the main gas pipeline-crossing over water obstacles in a mountain area after 30 years
of operation was performed by nondestructive method of ultrasonic testing of pipe wall thickness with application of thickness meter with
A/B scan MVX (DakotaUltrasonics). A set of diagnostic indications of hydrogen-induced macrodelaminations inside the pipe wall of a main
pipeline was complemented by a new diagnostic electrochemical feature, namely polarization resistance. Its lowering by > 30 % allows
prediction of such an enhancement of the stress-strain state on the pipe outer surface, which creates a risk of the macrodefect reaching the
surface. A method was developed for evaluation of serviceability and residual life of pipes in a system of the main pipelines with service
macrodelaminations, which allows for hydrogen role in the processes of development of such a type of macrodefects, service degradation
of metal and application of nondestructive testing methods for controlling the level of metal damage inside the pipes. 10 Ref., 1 Table, 6 Fig.
Keywords: service degradation, steels of the main pipelines, diagnostic features of macrodelamination
Received: 09.07.2020
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