"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #1, 2021, pp. 43-47
Hodographs of interaction of elements of bevel drive in the rolling stand
M.M. Kipin
SE «DIAMECH-UKRAINE», 19 Kirgizska str., 61105, Kharkiv, Ukraine. E-mail:diamech@diamech.com.ua
During development of algorithms for vibration diagnostic systems, special attention is given to studying the main types of rolling equipment,
vibration characteristics are determined, and features of the influence of metal rolling technology on the technical condition of the
equipment are taken into account. As a result of the conducted examination and analysis of vibraiton parameters of stands of medium section
А/С 400/215 and flatting NTLS-1680 rolling mills, a variant of mounting vibration sensors in the vertical direction along the main line
of the drive was selected. This variant of accelerometer orientation ensured maximum informativeness of the system during diagnostics
of rolling equipment. A design feature of turning stands of medium section mill is the availability of angular gearbox. Here, the sensors
mounted on the bearings of the input and output shafts, are located orthogonally relative to each other. Synchronous recording of vibration
signals by a measuring module of “Corundum” system allowed revealing certain regularities in the operation of bevel gear in the angular
gearbox of the stand. Combining on the software level the temporary signals read from paired sensors resulted in plotting the hodographs
of spatial position of reference points of the engaged shafts. The proposed method of visualization allows assessment of the technical
condition of the angular gearbox of the stand, in addition to hte available algorithms realized in vibration diagnostics system. Ref. 9, Fig. 9
Keywords: rolling mill, turning stand, angular gearbox, vibration diagnostic system, hodograph, technical condition
Received: 04.12.2020
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