"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #4, 2024, pp. 13-17
Evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of CFRP composites and modeling of the delamination phenomenon
A. Savin1,2, R. Steigmann1, M.D. Stanciu2, C.I. Moraras3, G. Dobrescu1
1Nondestructive testing Department, National Institute of R&D for Technical Physics, Iasi, Romania. E-mail: asavin@phys-iasi.ro
2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
3Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania
In the category of new and advanced materials, carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite materials are used in areas
such as structural materials in aeronautics, transport, etc. The bi-phasic structure of CFRP requires knowledge of both fiber
and matrix properties. In the conditions where possible delamination’s occur during use, these depend both on the properties of
the interfaces and of the interlaminate. The appropriate ultrasound (US) techniques allow the determination of the propagation
speed of the longitudinal and transverse waves which are used in the evaluation of the elastic modulus E, shear modulus G on
the three principal directions. C-scan US using phased array allows the emphasizing and characterization of ones with porosities
that appear during composite fabrication or due to local overheating. The results are compared with those obtained by a dynamic
mechanical analyzer (DMA), being found a good correlation. These procedures allow also the emphasizing of matrix damages
due to high temperature used or establishing maximum temperature for used. 16 Ref., 1 Tabl., 6 Fig.
Keywords: carbon fiber reinforced plastic, nondestructive testing, ultrasound, dynamic mechanical analyzer
Received: 31.10.2024
Received in revised form:12.11.2024
Accepted: 20.12.2024
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