

Сборник трудов Четвертой международной конференции
26 May - 29 May, 2009, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
(2009) «Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing». Kiev: E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, 90 pp., 200x290 mm, soft cover.
The book contains papers presented at the Fourth International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.


  • Preface 5
  • Kovalenko V. Modern Trends in Production Engineering High Technologies Development 7
  • Akhonin S.V., Belous V.Yu. and Muzhychenko A.F. Calculation of Sizes of the Weld and HAZ in Welding of Titanium with a Scanning Concentrated Heat Source 11
  • Demchenko V.F., Krivtsun I.V., Semenov I.L. and Turichin G.A. Numerical Analysis of Heating, Melting and Connective Evaporation of Metals in Pulsed Laser Processing 14
  • Garashchuk V.P., Lukashenko A.G. and Sydorets V.M. Laser Treatment of Silicon and ITO Thin Layers 20
  • Grden M. and Vollertsen F. Spatial Reduction Simulation Strategy for Incremental Thermal Forming Process 24
  • Hoshovskiy S., Roganov Yu., Syrotenko P. and Voytenko Yu. Two-Dimensional Modeling of Thermal Rock Spallation with Laser Radiation 28
  • Hoshovskiy S., Syrotenko P. and Voytenko Yu. Lasers and Beam Delivery for Perforation and Drilling Oil-and-Gas Wells 32
  • Hoshovskiy S., Syrotenko P. and Voytenko Yu. Perforating and Drilling Wells with Laser Radiation is a Perspective Technology for Oil-and-Gas Industry 35
  • Ilnaz Vahdatinia, Kotlyarov V.P., Mohammad Ali Aliverdi and Hamidreza Haji Mollabashi. Optimizing Technological Fabrication Techniques for Laser Cutting of Stents 38
  • Jianhua Yao, Chunyan Yu, Qunli Zhang, Xiaodong Hu, Chenghua Lou and Kovalenko V.S. Research on Laser Remanufacturing of Steam Turbine Blades 42
  • Krivtsun I.V., Shelyagin V.D., Khaskin V.Yu., Mashin V.S. and Zatserkovny A.S. Hybrid Laser-Plasma and Laser-Arc Welding of Various Aluminum Alloys 47
  • Kuzko O.V. Non-Linear Modelling of the Defects Growth Dynamics in Laser Welds 50
  • Lopota A.V., Velichko O.V., Afanasieva A.A. and Turichin G.A. Efficiency in Adopting Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding 53
  • Seidgazov R.D. Algorithm of Laser Welding Designing for Averting the Pores Formation 57
  • Seidgazov R.D. Thermocapillary Mechanism of Melt Displacement During Keyhole Formation by Laser Beam 59
  • Seidgazov R.D. Verification of the Melt Displacement Mechanism in Deep Penetration Laser Welding 62
  • Semenov I.L., Krivtsun I.V. and Demchenko V.F. Modeling of Metal Vaporization at Laser Processing 65
  • Seyedali Etezad, Ilnaz Vahdatinia and Nikitin A.A. Analyzing Formation of Capillary in Deep Penetration Laser Welding 71
  • Seyedali Etezad, Ilnaz Vahdatinia and Nikitin A.A. Suppressing the Negative Effect of Plasma in Deep Penetration Laser Welding 74
  • Sipavicius C., Mazeika K., Vaitiekunas P. and Padgurskas J. Laser Method for Generation of Micro- and Nano-Particles and their Selection in Gas Flow 76
  • Turichin G., Tzibulsky I., Kuznetsov A., Grinin O., Pevzner Ya. and Lopota A. Development of Industrial Equipment for Laser Hybrid Welding of Pipe Steels 78
  • Turichin G., Tzibulsky I., Valdaytseva E. and Lopota A. Laser Hybrid Welding of Pipe Steels Е Modeling and Technology 82
  • Zelnichenko A.T. Russian-German Center of Laser Technologies ЕGoals and Prospects 88
  • Name Index 90

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ЛАЗЕРНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СВАРКЕ И ОБРАБОТКЕ МАТЕРИАЛОВ 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015

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Найсвіжіші номери журналів на сайті

Автоматическая сварка №4 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №8 (2024), Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль №2 (2024), Современная электрометаллургия №2 (2024).

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