Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2011, №04
- NEDOSEKA A.Ya., NEDOSEKA S.A., YAREMENKO M.A.Continuous monitoring of the main gas pipelines and gas compressor units by acoustic emission method...3
- LOBANOV L.M., NEKHOTYASHCHII V.A., RABKINA M.D., KOSTIN V.A., KARCHENKO V.V., KONDRYAKOV E.A., USOV V.V., SHKATULYAK N.M. Influence of plastic deformation on the structure, mechanical properties and coercive force of metal of oxygen bottles... 14
- FOMICHOV S.K., CHVERTKO E.P., SKACHKOV I.O., SKHABOVSKII Ya.V., CHVERTKO P.M. Prediction of defect types at flash-butt welding of concrete reinforcement bars...24
- DUBOV A.A. Control of welded joint quality using magnetic memory of metal ... 28
- PUKHLII V.A. Residual life of NPP reactor equipment exposed to high-temperature and radiation fields...33
- KARPASH M.O. Increase of sensitivity of acoustic technique of NDT of materials... 39
- DYADIN V.P. Peculiarities of testing Mesnager and Charpy impact samples at brittle fracture... 44
- First meeting of the Chinese-Ukrainian E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute... 59
- 19th International Conference «Modern Methods and Means of NDT and Technical Diagnostics» ...60
- For 100th birth anniversary of A.A.Kazimirov...63