
Paton Publishing House, №500


All Author for «Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2024)

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Statistics about Coauthors «Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing»
Author:Number of articlesCoauthorsYears of Publications
nedoseka a.ya.723.1820012024
chausov n.g.52.820012011
nedoseka s.a.683.0120012024
vengrinovich v.l.72.1420012013
radish yu.v.52.220012012
kireev a.s.52.220012012
posipayko yu.n.101.720012023
davidov e.a.141.8620012023
storozhenko v.a.122.0820012022
skalskiy v.r.242.3820012023
ivanitskiy ya.l.64.1720012020
gelman l.m.60.8320012006
beliy n.g.112.8220012013
dolinskiy v.m.72.2920012012
cheremskaya v.i.52.620012009
bezlyudko g.ya.142.8620012021
igumentsev e.a.5220012007
uchanin v.n.321.6320022024
dyadin v.p.152.0720022023
troitskiy v.a.382.2120022024
garf e.f.73.1420022014
yuhimets p.s.132.8520022022
kolbin i.b.62.3320022011
shevchenko i.ya.73.8620022015
suchkov g.m.161.9420022023
nayda s.a.5120022013
bondarenko yu.k.191.4720022022
koshevoy v.v.54.220022017
levitskiy o.e.50.420022005
meshkov s.n.82.2520022022
shekero a.l.61.520022018
ovsyankin a.m.7220032008
klim b.p.83.2520032020
pochapskiy e.p.92.8920032020
troitskaya n.v.62.3320032014
kovalchuk o.v.61.6720032021
yaremenko m.a.404.720032024
ovsienko m.a.304.1720032024
harchenko l.f.123.5820032015
gordeliy v.i.140.7920032007
chabanov v.e.8120032007
karpash o.m.112.6420032011
paton b.e.83.8820032016
lobanov l.m.364.3620032023
rabkina m.d.113.1820032022
gruzd a.a.7420032014
karpash m.o.13220042017
voloshkevich i.g.63.520042024
boychuk o.i.123.6720042024
pivtorak v.a.133.3820042019
kiyanets i.v.113.3620042023
sharko a.v.52.220042019
nayda v.l.63.8320042011
mozzhuhin a.a.5420042008
petrishchev o.n.61.8320052019
nehotyashchiy v.a.113.8220062020
solomaha r.n.93.1120062024
fomichev s.k.5520062012
minakov s.n.73.4320062024
eremenko v.s.7220062013
protasov a.g.5220062024
savitskiy v.v.94.4420062024
derecha v.ya.52.820062022
artyuh k.o.6220062021
bondarenko a.i.91.4420072010
mihaylov s.r.112.9120072022
kuts yu.v.12420082024
boryak k.f.5220082016
obodovskiy b.m.67.1720082024
kushnirenko s.a.57.420082019
milenin a.s.182.8920092024
maevskiy s.m.50.220092015
nazarchuk z.t.63.1720092023
kolyada v.a.51.620092016
shapovalov e.v.92.7820092024
gluhovskiy v.yu.121.4220102024
stankevich o.m.52.220102015
muravskiy l.i.53.420102023
perepichay a.a.63.1720112018
bliznyuk e.d.63.6720112022
dmitrienko r.i.6320122022
torop v.m.121.520132024
kulish v.a.71.2920142021
krilov e.s.71.2920142021
velikoivanenko e.a.133.1520142024
rozinka g.f.123.1720142024
pivtorak n.i.123.1720142024
karmanov m.n.52.620142022
mahnenko o.v.82.8820142024
yavorskiy i.m.104.520152024
yuzefovich r.m.104.520152024
matsko i.y.53.820152020
stetsko i.g.54.620152021
baglay a.v.81.520172020
plesnetsov s.yu.82.3820182023
lisenko yu.yu.63.6720182024
gopkalo o.p.54.220192022
litvinenko v.a.52.420202024
lichak o.v.74.5720202024

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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

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