
8th International Conference
«Beam Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing»

Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
(2017) «Beam Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing»: Сб. докл. Восьмой межд. конф. / Под редакцией проф. И. В. Кривцуна. — Киев: Международная Ассоциация «Сварка», 2017. — 128 стр.

В сборнике представлено 23 доклада Восьмой международной конференции «Лучевые технологии в сварке и обработке материалов» (11–15 сентября 2017 г., Одесса, Украина), в которых отражены достижения за последние годы в области электронно-лучевых и лазерных технологий при сварке, наплавке, обработке материалов и в специальной электрометаллургии. Авторами докладов являются известные ученые и специалисты из Украины, Беларуси, Канады, Китая, Ирана и Польши. Для научных и инженерно-технических работников.
(электронное издание http://patonpublishinghouse.com/proceedings/ltwmp2017.pdf).



  • Akhonin S. V., Belous V. Yu., Selin R. V., Vrzhyzhevskii E. L. Effect of electron beam welding and local heat treatment on properties of welded joints of high-strength pseudo β-titanium alloy VT19 ... 7
  • Akhonin S. V., Berezos V. A., Pikulin A. N., Severin A. Yu., Erokhin A. G. Producing high-strength titanium alloys using electron beam melting method ... 11
  • Akhonin S. V., Pikulin A. N., Berezos V. A., Severin A. Yu., Erokhin A. G. Electron beam fusion of ingots from high-strength α + β and pseudo-β-titanium alloys ... 19
  • Akhonin S. V., Severin A. Yu., Berezos V. A., Pikulin A. N., Erokhin A. G. Producing the ingots of intermetallic alloys in electron beam units ... 24
  • Grechanyuk N. I., Grechanyuk V. G. Dispersed and laminated composite nano-crystalline materials based on copper and molybdenum ... 28
  • Grigorenko S. G., Belous V. Yu. Structure and properties of welded joints of boron-alloyed titanium produced by electron beam welding ... 39
  • Kovalchuk D. V., Melnik V. I., Melnik I. V., Tugai B. A. New possibilities of additive manufacturing with xBeam 3D Metal Printing technology ... 45
  • Krivtsun I. V., Akhonin S. V., Berezos V. A., Severin A. Yu. Model of evaporation of multi-component alloys in electron beam melting ... 53
  • Lankin Yu. N., Solovev V. G., Semikin V. F., Sushyi L.F., Osechkov P. P., Romanova I. Yu., Baishtruk E. N. Computer system for graphic design of scanning and modelling of resulting distribution of electron beam current density ... 59
  • Lankin Yu. N., Solovev V. G., Sushyi L. F., Osechkov P. P. Video system for automatic regulation of level of liquid metal in electron beam melting ... 61
  • Makhnenko O. V., Milenin A. S., Velikoivanenko E. A., Rosynka G. F., Pivtorak N. I., Kozlitina S. S., Dzyubak L. I., Kovalchuk D. V. Modelling of temperature fields for different types of 3D samples at their layer-by-layer forming using electron beam melting equipment xBeam 3D Metal Printer ... 63
  • Makhnenko O. V., Muzhychenko A. F. Calculated evaluation of fatigue resistance of welded joints of space designation TGA body structure for a range of service loads ... 69
  • Nesterenkov V. M., Matveychuk V. A., Rusynik M. O. Principles of production of commercial products by quick prototyping method using electron beam technologies ... 73
  • Nesterenkov V. M., Orsa Yu. V., Khripko K. S., Gusev Yu. V. Repair restoration of elements and assemblies of gas turbine engines ... 78


  • Devoino O. G., Kardapolova M. A., Avsievich A. M., Shvets I. V. Effeciciency of application of laser quenching to increase gear wheel strength ... 83
  • Djaber Fadi, Golovko L. Application of laser radiation for manufacture of diamond abrasive tools ... 87
  • Domanski T., Piekarska W., Kubiak M. Study of properties of welded joint using Dantec’s ISTRA 4D Systems ... 92
  • Krivtsun I. V., Korzhyk V. N., Khaskin V. Yu., Sydorets V. N., Chunlin Dong. New generation unit for laser-microplasma welding ... 95
  • Markashova L. I., Poznyakov V. D., Shelyagin V. D., Berdnikova E. N., Bernatskii A. V., Siora A. V., Alekseenko T. A., Polovetskii E. V. Role of structure in change of service properties of welded joints from high-strength steels produced by arc, laser and hybrid laser arc welding ... 101
  • Piekarska W., Kubiak M., Saternus Z., Domanski T. Numerical prediction of deformations in spirally welded pipes using different welding techniques ... 108
  • Shelyagin V. D., Lukashenko A. G., Khaskin V. Yu., Bernatskii A. V., Siora A.V., Shyba I. V. Review of developments in the field of equipment and technology of laser welding carried out at the E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute (Review) ... 111


  • Khudetskii I. Yu., Krivtsun I. V., Antonova-Rafi Yu. V. Perspectives of application of convective-infrared irradiation for live tissues processing ... 117
  • Khudetskii I. Yu., Stasyuk Yu. P., Antonova-Rafi Yu. V., Maksymenko V. B. Comparative possibilities of convective-infrared technology in ablation on open heart ... 121

Name Index ... 128


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LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 2017, 2019

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