
Paton Publishing House, №01


Kondratyev I.A.

«The Paton Welding Journal» (2000-2025)
«Automatic Welding» (2007-2025)
«Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2025)
«Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2025)

Author:Number of articlesNumber of articles in TPWJ-AS*-TDNK-SEMYears of Publications
kondratyev i.a.1414-0-0-020022014
  1. Kondratiev I.A., Ryabtsev I.A. Flux-cored Wires For Surfacing Of Steel Hot Mill Rolls
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, №06)
  2. Babinets A.A., Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Ryabtsev I.I., Gordan G.N. Investigation Of Thermal Resistance Of Deposited Metal Designed For Restoration Of Mill Rolls
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, №05)
  3. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Babinets A.A., Gordan G.N., Kajda T.V., Bogajchuk I.L. Effect Of High-temperature Thermal Cycling On Deposited Metal Of The Type Of Heat-resistant Die Steels
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, №02)
  4. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Osin V.V., Gordan G.N. Wear- And Heat Resistance Of Deposited Metal Of Graphitized Steel Type
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2011, №08)
  5. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Vasiliev G.V., Zhdanov V.A., Babinets A.A. Investigation Of Structure And Service Properties Of Deposited Metal For Reconditioning And Strengthening Of Rolling Mill Rolls
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №07)
  6. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Chernyak Ya.P., Gordan G.N., Solomijchuk T.G., Godzyra N.F. Structure And Properties Of High-manganese Deposited Metal
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №04)
  7. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Gadzyra N.F., Davidchuk N.K., Bogajchuk I.L., Gordan G.N. Effect Of Ultra-dispersed Carbides Contained In Flux-cored Wires On Properties Of Heat-resistant Deposited Metal
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2009, №06)
  8. Ryabtsev I.I., Kondratiev I.A., Kostin V.A., Novikova D.P., Bogajchuk I.L., Babinets A.A. Structure Of Phosphorus-containing Deposited Metal Of The Tool Steel Type
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2009, №04)
  9. Kondratiev I.A., Ryabtsev I.A., Bogajchuk I.L., Novikova D.P. Structure Of Deposited Metal Of The Type Of Graphitised Hypereutectoid Steels ... 15
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2008, №07)
  10. Ryabtsev I.A., Kuskov Yu.M., Kondratiev I.A., Chernyak Ya.P., Ryabtsev I.I. Consumables And Energy-saving Cladding Technologies For Reconditioning And Manufacturing Parts Of Machines And Mechanisms ... 18
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2007, №03)
  11. Osin V.V., Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A. Study Of Sulfur Effect On Properties Of Deposited Metal Of Kh5ifs Type ... 12
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2006, №12)
  12. Kondratiev I.A., Ryabtsev I.A., Chernyak Ya.P. Flux-cored Wire For Surfacing Of Maraging Steel Layer ... 41
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2006, №04)
  13. Kondratiev I.A., Ryabtsev I.A., Chernyak Ya.P. Study Of Properties Of Deposited Metal Of The Maraging Steel Type 12
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2004, №10)
  14. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondratiev I.A., Vasiliev V.G., Doroshenko L.K. Wear Resistance Of Deposited Metal Of Fe-c-cr-ti-mo Alloying System... 45
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2002, №04)

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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №6 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №4 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №4 (2024).

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