
Paton Publishing House, №01


Adeyeva L.I.

«The Paton Welding Journal» (2000-2024)
«Automatic Welding» (2007-2024)
«Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2024)
«Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2024)

Author:Number of articlesNumber of articles in TPWJ-AS*-TDNK-SEMYears of Publications
adeyeva l.i.1813-0-0-520012020
  1. Polieshchuk M.A., Matveiev I.V., Bovkun V.O., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu. Application Of Magnetic-pulse Welding To Join Plates From Similar And Dissimilar Alloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2020, №08)
  2. Ковальчук Д.В., Григоренко Г.М., Туник А.Ю., Адеева Л.И., Григоренко С.Г., Степанюк С.Н. Особенности формирования структуры изделий, получаемых на электронно-лучевом 3D принтере с использованием проволоки из титанового сплава ... 62
    (Electrometallurgy Today, 2018, №04)
  3. Grigorenko G.M., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu., Korzhik V.N., Kapitanchuk L.M. Features Of The Structure Of Plasma-arc Coatings Produced At Application Of Flux-cored Wires With A Steel Sheath And Filler From B4c And Zro2 Nanopowder
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2017, №09)
  4. Grigorenko G.M., Poleshchuk M.A., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu., Zelenin E.V., Stepanyuk S.N. Peculiarities Of Structure Of Cu–cu, Ni–cu And Steel–cu Joints Produced By Overlap Friction Stir Welding Method
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №06)
  5. Григоренко Г.М., Адеева Л.И., Туник А.Ю., Коржик В.Н., Степанюк С.Н., Дорошенко Л.К., Чайка А.А., Лютик Н.П., Еремеева Л.Т. Особенности металлургических процессов при плазменно-дуговом напылении покрытий, полученных из стальной проволоки с порошковыми наполнителями WC и WC–Co ... 14
    (Electrometallurgy Today, 2015, №04)
  6. Grigorenko G.M., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu., Poleshchuk M.A., Zelenin E.V., Zelenin V.I., Nikityuk Yu.N., Lukash V.A. Application Of Friction Stir Welding Method For Repair And Restoration Of Worn-out Copper Plates Of Mccb Moulds
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №06)
  7. Григоренко Г.М., Адеева Л.И., Туник А.Ю., Полещук М.А., Зеленин В.И., Зеленин Е.В. Восстановительный ремонт слябовых медных кристаллизаторов МНЛЗ. Структура и свойства металла в зоне соединения ... 44
    (Electrometallurgy Today, 2015, №01)
  8. Grigorenko G.M., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu., Stepanyuk S.N., Poleshchuk M.A., Zelenin E.V. Structural Features Of Fsw Joints Of Metals With Different Element Solubility In The Solid Phase
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, №04)
  9. Григоренко Г.М., Адеева Л.И., Туник А.Ю., Степанюк С.Н., Полещук М.А., Зеленин Е.В. Особенности структуры биметаллических соединений разнородных металлов, полученных способом сварки трением с перемешиванием ... 60
    (Electrometallurgy Today, 2013, №04)
  10. Borisov Yu.S., Khaskin V.Yu., Vojnarovich S.G., Kislitsa A.N., Tunik A.Yu., Adeeva L.I., Kuzmich-yanchuk E.K., Bernatsky A.V., Siora A.V. Combined Laser-microplasma Cladding With Powders Of Ni-cr-b-si System Alloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, №11)
  11. Борисова А.Л., Адеева Л.И., Туник А.Ю., Карпец М.В., Степанюк С.Н., Дорошенко Л.К. Структурные и фазовые превращения в сплаве Ti60Cr32Si8, содержащем аппроксимантную фазу... 53
    (Electrometallurgy Today, 2012, №01)
  12. Borisova A.L., Tunik A.Yu., Adeeva L.I., Grishchenko A.V., Tsymbalistaya T.V., Kolomytsev M.V. Thermal-barrier Multilayer Plasma Coatings Zro2-nicraly
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №10)
  13. Borisova A.L., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu., Tsymbalistaya T.V., Grishchenko A.P. Plasma Zro2 Coatings With Metallic Bond Coat Of Alloy Alcufe
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №04)
  14. Borisova A.L., Borisov Yu.S., Adeeva L.I., Tunik A.Yu., Karpets M.V., Burlachenko A.N. Effect Of Parameters Of Mechanical-chemical Synthesis On Structure, Phase Composition And Properties Of Thermal Spraying Al--cu--fe System Powders Containing Quasi-crystalline Phase ... 14
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2008, №09)
  15. Borisova A.L., Tunik A.Yu., Adeeva L.I. Structure And Properties Of Powders Of Al--cu--fe System Alloy For Thermal Spraying Of Quasi-crystalline Coatings ... 19
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2006, №12)
  16. Murashov A.P., Borisov Yu.S., Adeeva L.I., Bobrik V.G., Rupchev V.L. Plasma-arc Spraying Of Wear-resistant Coatings From Composite Powders Fev-b4c. 42
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2003, №09)
  17. Borisov Yu.S., Borisova A.L., Panko M.T., Adeeva L.I., Kolomytsev M.V., Shakhraj A.A., Sladkova V.N. Peculiarities Of Structure Of Quasicrystalline Al-cu-fe System Coatings Produced By Thermal Spraying Methods ... 12
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2001, №05)
  18. Borisov Yu.S., Panko M.T., Adeeva L.I., Rupchev V.L., Bobrik V.G. Technologies For Production And Properties Of Powders Of The Al-cu-fe System For Thermal Spraying Of Coatings With Quasicrystalline Structure ...45
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2001, №01)

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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №4 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №9 (2024), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №2 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №3 (2024).

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