
Paton Publishing House, №01


Klochkov I.N.

«The Paton Welding Journal» (2000-2025)
«Automatic Welding» (2007-2025)
«Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2025)
«Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2025)

Author:Number of articlesNumber of articles in TPWJ-AS*-TDNK-SEMYears of Publications
klochkov i.n.2623-0-2-120092023
  1. Rusynyk M.O., Nesterenkov V.M., Sahul M., Klochkov I.M. Influence Of Electron Beam Focusing Current On Geometry And Microstructure Of Welded Joints Of Aluminium 2219 Alloy
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2023, №07)
  2. Poklyatskyi A.G., Motrunich S.I., Fedorchuk V.E., Klochkov I.M. Strength And Structure Of Butt, Overlap And Fillet Joints Of Amg6m Alloy Produced By Friction Stir Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2023, №02)
  3. Peleshenko S.I., Khaskin V.Yu., Korzhyk V.M., Kvasnitskyi V.V., Grinyuk A.A., Klochkov I.M., Chunling D., Alyoshin A.O. Features Of Welding High-strength Alloys Based On Aluminium And Beryllium Using Highly-concentrated Heat Sources (review)
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, №12)
  4. Poklyatskyi A.G., Motrunich S.I., Klochkov I.M., Labur T.M. Some Advantages Of Welded Joints Of Aluminium 1201 Alloy Produced By Friction Stir Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №09)
  5. Sahul Mir., Sahul Mar., Čaplovič L., Marônek M., Klochkov I., Motrunich S. Analysis Of The Properties Of Electron Beam Welded Joints Of Aluminium Lithium Alloy Latest Generation
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №05)
  6. Korzhyk V.M., Grynyuk A.A., Khaskin V.Yu., Illiashenko Ye.V., Klochkov I.M., Ganushchak O.V., Xuefen Yu, Huang Liuyi Improving The Efficiency Of Robotic Fabrication Of Steel Truss Welded Structures
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №05)
  7. Knysh V.V., Klochkov I.M., Motrunich S.I., Poklyatskyi A.G. Influence Of Irregular Cyclic Load On Fatigue Resistance Of Thin-sheet Welded Joints Of Heat-strengthened Aluminium Alloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №01)
  8. Krivtsun I.V., Khaskin V.Yu., Korzhyk V.M., Klochkov I.M., Kvasnytskyi V.V., Babich O.A., Detao Cai, Ziyi Luo, Shanguo Han Hybrid Laser-microplasma Welding Of Sheet Ti–al–v Titanium Alloy
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2019, №10)
  9. Moltasov A.V., Klochkov I.N. Calculation Of The Radius Of Transition Of The Weld To Base Metal Of Aluminium Alloy Welded Joints
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2019, №09)
  10. Klochkov I.N., Nesterenkov V.M., Berdnikova E.N., Motrunich S.I. Strength And Fatigue Life Of Joints Of High-strength Alloy Aa7056-t351, Made By Electron Beam Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2019, №01)
  11. Poklyatsky A.G., Motrunich S.I., Klochkov I.N. Physico-mechanical Properties Of Thin-sheet Aluminum Alloy D16 Butt Joints Produced By Friction Stir Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2017, №04)
  12. Grigorenko G.M., Akhonin S.V., Zadorozhnyuk O.M., Klochkov I.N. Structure And Properties Of Fully-penetrated Metal Of Two-phase Titanium Alloy With Dispersion Hardening At Aaw
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №11)
  13. Poklyatsky A.G., Knysh V.V., Klochkov I.N., Motrunich S.I. Features And Advantages Of The Process Of Friction Stir Welding Of Butt Joints Of Sheet Aluminium-lithium Alloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №06)
  14. Moltasov A.V., Gushchin K.V., Klochkov I.N., Tkach P.N., Tarasenko A.I. Determination Of Force Caused By Heating Of Ring-type Products In Flash-butt Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №11)
  15. Poklyatsky A.G., Klochkov I.N., Motrunich S.I. Some Advantages Of Butt Joints Of Thin Wrought Aluminium Alloys Amg5m And Amg6m Produced By Fsw, Compared To Tig-welded Joints
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №07)
  16. Shelyagin V.D., Saenko V.Ya., Polishko A.A., Ryabinin V.A., Bernatsky A.V., Stepanyuk S.N., Klochkov I.N., Palagesha A.N. Laser Welding Of Commercial Arc Slag Remelted Titanium Vt1-0 Hardened By Nitrogen
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №04)
  17. Knysh V.V., Klochkov I.N., Pashulya M.P., Motrunich S.I. Increase Of Fatigue Resistance Of Sheet Welded Joints Of Aluminum Alloys Using High-frequency Peening
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, №05)
  18. Полишко А.А., Саенко В.Я., Степанюк С.Н., Туник А.Ю., Клочков И.Н. Поведение неметаллических включений в структуре литой электрошлаковой нержавеющей стали AISI типа 316 ... 10
    (Electrometallurgy Today, 2014, №01)
  19. Knysh V.V., Klochkov I.N., Berezin I.V. Improvement Of Fatigue Strength Of Overlap Joints Of Sheet Aluminium Alloys Made By Fusion Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2013, №03)
  20. Polishko A.A., Medovar L.B., Saenko V.Ya., Stepanyuk S.N., Tunik A.Yu., Klochkov I.N., Berezin I.V. Formation Of Structure And Properties Of 316 Type Steel At Successive Circumferential Electroslag Surfacing With Liquid Metal
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, №02)
  21. Labur T.M., Shonin V.A., Taranova T.G., Kostin V.A., Mashin V.S., Klochkov I.N. Fracture Surface Morphology At Fatigue Of Mig-welded Joints Of Amg6 Alloy
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2011, №03)
  22. Poklyatsky A.G., Chajka A.A., Klochkov I.N., Yavorskaya M.R. Friction Stir Welding Of Aluminum Alloys Of Different Alloying Systems
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №10)
  23. Mashin V.S., Pashulya M.P., Shonin V.A., Klochkov I.N. Consumable Electrode Pulsed Argon-arc Welding Of Sheet Aluminium Alloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №05)
  24. Poklyatsky A.G., Chajka A.A., Klochkov I.N., Yavorskaya M.R. Strength And Structure Of Aluminium Alloy Welded Joints Made By Friction Stir And Non-consumable Electrode Welding
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2009, №09)
  25. Хохлова Ю.А., Клочков И.Н., Гринюк А.А., Хохлов М.А. Верификация определения модуля Юнга с помощью микрозондовой системы «Микрон-гамма» ... 30
    (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2009, №01)
  26. Гуща О.И., Смиленко В.Н., Кот В.Г., Бродовой В.А., Клочков И.Н. Контроль напряжений на основе использования подповерхностных акустических волн ... 11
    (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2009, №01)

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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №6 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №4 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №4 (2024).

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