lupan a.f.
Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 6
- SAVITSKY M.M., LUPAN A.F., MELNICHUK G.M. and OLEJNIK O.I. Methods for application of activators in TIG welding of steels 52 (2000, №03)
- Bajic D.R., Savitsky M.M., Melnichuk G.M. and Lupan A.F. A-TIG welding of structural steels for power engineering applications. 30 (2002, №09)
- Bajic D.R., Melnichuk G.M., Lupan A.F. and Savitsky M.M. Procedure and parameters of A-TIG welding of structural steels ... 31 (2002, №10)
- Paton B.E., Savitsky M.M., Gvozdetsky V.S., Krivtsun I.V., Savitsky A.M., Godlis Yu.E. and Lupan A.F. Application of active fluxes and active gases to increase efficiency of arc and plasma welding ... 2 (2003, №05)
- Savitsky M.M., Savichenko A.A., Kulik V.M., Lupan A.F., Melnichuk G.M., Chertorylsky L.A., Golub N.A. and Suprunenko V.A. Light-weight welded cylinders for motor transport ... 43 (2007, №01)
- Kulik V.M., Savitsky M.M., Lupan A.F., Chertorylsky L.A. and Sukhoyarsky V.E. Argon-arc welding of billets of shafts for metallurgical equipment ... 28 (2007, №10)