saprikina g.yu.

Всего статей опубликовано в журнале «The Paton Welding Journal»: 9

  1. Makhnenko V.I. and Saprykina G.Yu. Role of mathematical modelling in solving problems of welding dissimilar steels (Review) ... 14 (2002, №03)
  2. Makhnenko V.I. and Saprykina G.Yu. To the issue of intermittent solidification of weld metal 2 (2005, №11)
  3. O.V. MAKHNENKO, G.Yu. SAPRYKINA, I.V. MIRZOV, A.D. PUSTOVOJ Prospects for development of load-carrying elements of freight car bogie (2014, №03)
  4. L.M. Lobanov, O.V. Makhnenko, G.Yu. Saprykina, A.D. Pustovoj Fatigue calculation for welded joints of bearing elements of freight car bogie (2014, №10)
  5. O.V. Makhnenko, A.S. Milenin, G.Yu. Saprykina Evaluation of operability of WWR-M reactor primary circuit piping with welded joint defects (2015, №01)
  6. S.V. Egorova, O.V. Makhnenko, G.Yu. Saprykina, D.P. Syneok Mathematical models of the dependence of mechanical properties on chemical composition of steels for ESW (2021, №01)
  7. O.V. Makhnenko, O.S. Milenin, O.F. Muzhychenko, S.M. Kandala, O.M. Savytska, G.Yu. Saprykina Mathematical modeling of residual stress relaxation during performance of postweld heat treatment (2023, №06)
  8. O.V. Makhnenko, G.Yu. Saprykina, O.M. Savytska, M.S. Ananchenko Reconditioning repair of steam turbine blades using additive technology (2023, №11)
  9. O.V. Makhnenko, O.S. Kostenevich, G.Yu. Saprykina, O.G. Bogachenko, I.O. Goncharov, I.O. Neilo Mathematical modelling of the processes of component diffusion in the core‒graphite electrode system in an industrial arc steelmaking DC furnace of the DSP PS-12 type (2025, №01)
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Найсвіжіші номери журналів на сайті

Автоматическая сварка №1 (2025), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль №4 (2024), Современная электрометаллургия №1 (2025).

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