

Сборник трудов международной конференции
19 May - 23 May, 2003, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
(2003) «Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing». Kiev: E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, 230 pp., 200x290 mm, soft cover.
The book contains papers presented at the International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.


  • Preface 7
  • Kovalenko V. S. Laser Technology: From Macro to Nano 9


  • Albert F., Jahrsdorfer В., Mys L, Schmidt M. Innovative Laser Based Micro Joining Techniques in Electronic Production 19
  • Bachmann F. Impact of High Power Diode Lasers on Solid-State Lasers and Materials Processing Applications 24
  • Dilthey U., Gumenyuk A., Turichin G. Towards Kinetical Description of Phase Transformation Phenomena in Metals under Laser Welding Conditions Using Reaction-Diffusion Formalism 29
  • Golubev V. S. Melt Removal Mechanisms of the Gasjet-Assisted Laser Fusion Cutting 34
  • Klimpel A., Lisiecki A., Janicki D., Stano S. High Power Diode Laser Welding of Aluminum Alloy EN AW-1050 A 39
  • Man H. C., Zhang S., Guo X. Synthesis of a Porous Coating on NiTi Shape Memory Alloy by Laser Surface Alloying for Enhanced Osteointegration 43
  • Thorny C., Kohn H., Vollertsen F. Application of High-Power Fibre Lasers in Laser and Laser-MIG Hybrid Welding 46
  • Turichin G., Lopota V., Zemliakov E., Pozdeeva E., Grigoriev A., Gumenyuk A., Dilthey U. Kinetics of Optical Discharge in Plasma Plume During Laser Welding in Shielding Gas 49


  • Borisov Yu., Bushma A., Fomakin A., Khaskin V., Kislitsa A., Krivtsun I., Shelyagin V., Voynarovich S. Integrated Laser-Arc Plasmatron for Laser-Plasma Spraying and CVD Processes 57
  • Garashchuk V. P., Sidotrets V. N. Optical Properties of Excited Active Medium of Slab C02-Laser 60
  • Kovalenko V., Mamalis A., Kolpakov V. Web-Technologies Application to Increase the Efficiency of Laser Industrial Systems 64
  • Oleschuk L. M., Kovalenko V. S., Any akin M. I., Zhuk R. O. Configuration of Industrial Laser System (ILS) for Layer by Layer 3-D Forming of Solid Objects 67


  • Borisova G. V., Lysenko А. В., Korovina N. A., Kravets O. L., Lysenko A. A. Amorphing of Alloys by Laser Glass Glazing of Surface 73
  • Golovko L. F., Kaglyak A. D., Krasavin A. P., Soroshenko V. G. Increase of Rigidity of Thin Laminas by Creation and Optimum Arrangement of Metallurgical Stress Raisers 76
  • Golovko L. F., Serditov А. Т., Klyuchnikov Y. V., Daszherdi A. Application of Laser
  • Treatment for Increase of Wear Resistance of Details of the Heavy Loaded Units of Friction 80
  • Lysenko А. В., Korovina N. A., Pavluchenkov I. A. Metal Crystallization Kinetics in Conditions of Laser Rapid Hardening


  • Kovalenko V. S., Zhuk R. O. Prerequisites to Numerical Modelling of Aerodynamic Phenomena at Gas-Laser Metal Cutting 91
  • Lopota V., Turichin G., Valdaitseva E., Malkin P. E., Goumeniuk A. CAE System for Laser and Electron Beam Welding 96
  • Pretorius Т., Woitschig J., Vollertsen F. Simulation of Thermal Bending — Acceleration of Temperature Field Calculations 100
  • Seyffarth P., Makhnenko O. Calculational Prediction of Total Distortion of Tailored Beams in Laser Welding 103


  • Chivel Yu. A., Beliavin К. E., Pavlenko V. K., Petrushina M. V. Research of Direct Laser Sintering of Metal Powders 113
  • Kovalchenko A., Ajayi O., Etsion I. Tribological Behavior of Laser Textured Surfaces under Oil Lubrication Conditions 116
  • Kovalenko V. S., Golovko L. F., Exsan O., Goncharuk A. A., Novikov N. V., Shepelev A. A., Sorochenko V. G. Features of Application of Laser Technology for Sintering Diamond Composite Materials 121
  • Teplova L. A. Laser Surface Alloying of Titanium and Titanium Alloys 126
  • Vertiy A. A., Gavrilov S. P. Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Units Using Tomography Techniques 130
  • Anyakin M., Kondrashov P., Mukhoid A., StepuraA., Kovalenko V. Optimal Conditions for Process of Rapid Prototyping 135
  • Anyakin M., Rudakov K., Lutay A., Kozakova Т., Kovalenko V. Study of the Process of Rapid Prototyping Using Numerical Experiments 141


  • Chivel Yu. New Method of Laser Power Delivery to Powder Stream in Laser Cladding and Nanopowders Production 151
  • Devojno O. G., Kardapolova M. A. Influence of Laser Treatment on Structure and Properties of Plasma Ceramic Coatings 154
  • Klimpel A., Janicki D., Lisiecki A. Thermal Stress Analysis of Nozzle for Powder Feeding in High Power Diode Laser (HPDL) Powder Surfacing 158
  • Radziejewska J., Kalita W., Bartoszewicz A. Modification of Surface Layer Properties by Laser Alloying Combined with Burnishing 162


  • Cheng С. H., Chan L. C, Chow C. L., Lee Т. C. Laser Welding and Formability Study of Tailor-Welded Blanks of Different Thickness Combinations and Welding Orientations 167
  • Cheng С. H., Chan L. C, Chow C. L., Lee Т. C. True Stress-Strain Analysis on Weldment of Heterogeneous Tailor-Welded Blanks — an Experimental Approach 171
  • Gedopt J., Verwimp J., Geerinckx E. Laser-MIG Hybrid Welding of Aluminium Alloys 175
  • Kalita W., Kolodziejczak P., Kwiatkowski L., Grobelny M., Hoffman J. Properties of СО2-Laser Welded Joints of Dissimilar Magnesium Alloys 182
  • Karfoul M. К. Effect of Presence of the Active Metal in ODS Laser Weld Metal 186
  • Shelyagin V. D., Krivtsun I. V., Khaskin V. Y., Nabok T. N. Some Results of Research in Hybrid Laser-Arc Technologies at the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU 190
  • Sokolova T. N., Surmenko E. L. Study of Chemical Element Distribution in a Laser Weld Joint 195
  • Stano S., Banasik M., Dworak J., Pilarczyk J. Laser Welding of Steel Sheets Differentiated in Thickness for Tailored Blanks. Investigations Conducted at the Instytut Spawalnictwa 198
  • Thomy C, Seefeld T. Basics and Applications of Laser GMA Hybrid Welding 203
  • Name Index 207

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ЛАЗЕРНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В СВАРКЕ И ОБРАБОТКЕ МАТЕРИАЛОВ 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019

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Найсвіжіші номери журналів на сайті

Автоматическая сварка №4 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №8 (2024), Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль №2 (2024), Современная электрометаллургия №2 (2024).

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