Журнали, №Uchanin

uchanin v.n.

Всього статей опубліковано в журналі«The Paton Welding Journal»: 9

  1. V.M. Uchanin, O.P. Ostash, S.A. Bychkov, O.I. Semenets, V.Ya. Derecha Eddy current monitoring of aluminium alloy degradation during long-term operation of aircraft (2021, №08)
  2. O.O. Vertiy, V.M. Uchanin Three-dimensional visualization of the detected defects by eddy current computing tomography (2021, №09)
  3. V.M. Uchanin Optimization of the design of eddy current probe of parametric type to detect surface cracks (2022, №03)
  4. V.M. Uchanin Study of eddy current flaw detector based on double-circuit self-generator operated in intermittent oscillating mode (2022, №05)
  5. V.M. Uchanin Surface EDDY current probes of double differential type as an effective tool to solve non-destructive inspection problems (2023, №02)
  6. V.M. Uchanin, G.G. Lutcenko, A.V. Opanasenko Automated EDDY current inspection systems with surface probe of double differential type (2023, №05)
  7. V.M. Uchanin, S.M. Minakov, R.M. Solomakha Research of the residual magnetization of steel structures after local magnetization with an attachable magnetic transducer (2024, №03)
  8. V. Uchanin, G. Nardoni, P. Nardoni Fatigue cracks detection in the fillet zone of steel blades of industrial gas turbines using eddy current method (2024, №07)
  9. G. Mook, V. Uchanin, Ju. Lysenko Studies of EDDY current probes for inspection of aluminium alloy structure welds using smartphone-based flaw detector (2024, №12)
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Найсвіжіші номери журналів на сайті

Автоматичне зварювання №6 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Технічна діагностика та неруйнівний контроль №4 (2024), Сучасна електрометалургія №4 (2024).

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