Всього статей опубліковано в журналі«The Paton Welding Journal»: 79
YUSHCHENKO K.A., CHEKOTILO L.V., KAKHOVSKY Yu.N., GORDONNY V.G., KIRIAKOV V.M., KLAPATYUK A.V., LEIBENZON V.A., KRENDELYOV V.N., KNOKHIN V.G., KALASHNIK S.B. and BRIGIDIN V.Ya.Setting up commercial production of the Sv-08Kh20N9G7T welding wire at Dneprospetsstal 28 (2000, №03)
Yushchenko K.A., Starushchenko T.M. and Pestov V.A.Ferritic filler metal for welding cold-resistant nickel steels... 33 (2001, №02)
Zvyagintseva A.V., Yushchenko K.A. and Savchenko V.S.Effect of structural changes in high-temperature heating on ductile characteristics of nickel alloys ... 13 (2001, №04)
Yushchenko K.A., Kovalenko D.V. and Kovalenko I.V.Application of activators for TIG welding of steels and alloys... 37 (2001, №07)
Chervyakov N.O. and Yushchenko K.A.Method for investigation of longitudinal residual stresses in bead on nickel alloy plate welding ... 38 (2002, №08)
Yushchenko K.A., Monko G.G., Starushchenko T.M., Belorusets B.O. and Naumov A.S.Field welding of large-size spherical isothermal tanks for storage of cryogenic products. 26 (2002, №09)
Zadery B.A., Kotenko S.S., Marinchenko A.E., Polishchuk E.P. and Yushchenko K.A.Formation of crystallographic texture in the metal of welded joints on molybdenum alloys ... 12 (2002, №11)
Yushchenko K.A., Chekotilo L.V., Tsaryuk A.K., Ivanenko V.D., Starushchenko T.M., Kuzhel A.V., Lysov Yu.A., Kravchenko N.V., Ulianov V.I. and Gordienko V.A.New documents for manufacture and repair of power generation equipment ... 34 (2003, №01)
Zadery B.A., Kotenko S.S., Polishchuk E.P., Yushchenko K.A., Barabash O.M. and Karasevskaya O.P.Peculiarities of crystalline structure of welded joints in single crystals ... 13 (2003, №05)
Yushchenko K.A., Starushchenko T.M., Nakonechny A.A., Chervyakova L.V., Shepil T.E., Kachanov V.A. and Danilov Yu.B.Investigation of corrosion fracture of welded joints in Ni-Cr-Mo alloys in titania production environment. 11 (2003, №06)
Yushchenko K.A., Kakhovsky Yu.N., Fadeeva G.V., Samojlenko V.I. and Bulat A.V.Electrodes of the ANV series for welding high-alloy steels and alloys. 30 (2003, №09)
Zadery B.A., Kotenko S.S., Marinchenko A.E., Polishchuk E.P. and Yushchenko K.A.Effect of annealing temperature on mechanical properties of molybdenum alloy and its welded joints. 22 (2004, №06)
Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S. and Zvyagintseva A.V.Effect of heat treatment and degree of alloying on structural changes in nickel alloys ....12 (2004, №07)
Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O. and Zvyagintseva A.V.Character of formation of hot cracks in welding cast heat-resistant nickel alloys.... 34 (2004, №08)
Yushchenko K.A.Weldability and advanced processes for materials welding ... 39 (2004, №09)
Krasilnikov S.G., Gulida V.P., Yushchenko K.A. and Lychko I.I.Cooperation between NKMZ and PWI in the field of electroslag welding for heavy engineering applications ... 62 (2004, №09)
Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S. and Starushchenko T.M.Role of segregation of oxygen in welding of Invar type alloys ... 2 (2004, №12)
Yushchenko K.A. and Derlomenko V.V.Analysis of modern views on weldability ... 5 (2005, №01)
Kalina P.P., Yarovitsyn A.V. and Yushchenko K.A.Peculiarities of the microplasma powder cladding process ... 7 (2005, №04)
Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakova L.V. and Zvyagintseva A.V.High-temperature gas corrosion of nickel alloy turbine blades during operation .... 8 (2005, №05)
Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakova L.V., David S. and Vitek J.Investigation of weldability of nickel superalloys and development of repair technology for gas turbine blades ... 2 (2005, №06)
Yushchenko K.A., Karasevskaya O.P., Kotenko S.S., Polishchuk E.P., Savchenko V.S. and Zadery B.A.Inheritance of structure-oriented state of metallic materials by welded joints 2 (2005, №09)
Yushchenko K.A., Chervyakov N.O. and Kalina P.P.Energy characteristics of low-amperage arcs ... 17 (2006, №04)
Paton B.E., Yushchenko K.A., Kovalenko D.V., Krivtsun I.V., Demchenko V.F. and Kovalenko I.V.Role of keyhole in formation of deep penetration in A-TIG welding of stainless steel ... 2 (2006, №06)
Yushchenko K.A., Zadery B.A., Kotenko S.S. , Polishchuk E.P. and Karasevskaya O.P.Structure of welded joints in tungsten single crystals ... 29 (2006, №08)
Yushchenko K.A., Zadery B.A., Zvyagintseva A.V., Kushnaryova T.N., Nesmikh V.S., Polishchuk E.P. and Savchenko V.S.Application of nano-structured materials for diffusion bonding of heat-resistant nickel alloys ... 2 (2006, №11)
Paton B.E., Yushchenko K.A., Lychko I.I., Kovalyov V.D., Veliky S.I., Pritula S.I., Chepurnoj A.D., Nikitchenko S.P. and Shalashny A.N.Equipment, procedures and technology for electroslag welding of position circumferential butt joints ... 19 (2007, №07)
Yushchenko K.A., Monko G.G., Kovalenko D.V. and Pestov V.A.Automatic argon-arc welding for sealing cartridges with waste nuclear fuel 27 (2007, №08)
Yushchenko K.A., Chekotilo L.V., Nastenko G.F., Danilov Yu.B., Kachanov V.A., Kabashny A.I., Ivanuna S.N., Dorn V.R., Ilienko V.V., Ambrozyak N.V., Kisly B.P. and Khodan T.M.Extension of life of large-size concentrated sulphuric acid storage tanks ... 34 (2007, №09)
Yushchenko K.A., Levchenko O.G., Bulat A.V., Bezushko O.N., Samojlenko V.I. and Misechko V.V.Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of covered electrodes for welding high-alloy steels ... 35 (2007, №12)
Yushchenko K.A., Zadery B.A., Zvyagintseva A.V., Kotenko S.S. , Polishchuk E.P., Savchenko V.S., Gakh I.S. and Karasevskaya O.P.Sensitivity to cracking and structural changes in EBW of single crystals of heat-resistant nickel alloys ... 6 (2008, №02)
Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakova L.V., Izbash V.I. and Solyanik V.G.Analysis of the causes of fracture of blades in axial-flow compressor of unit GTK-25I ... 41 (2008, №07)
Yushchenko K.A., Yarovitsyn A.V. and Zvyagintseva A.V.Properties of microplasma powder welded joints on heat-resistant nickel alloys ... 2 (2008, №09)
Yushchenko K.A., Zadery B.A., Savchenko V.S., Zvyagintseva A.V., Gakh I.S. and Karasevskaya O.P.Welding and cladding of heat-resistant nickel alloys with single-crystal structure ... 191 (2008, №11)
Yarovitsyn A.V., Yushchenko K.A., Nakonechny A.A. and Petrik I.A.Peculiarities of low-amperage argon-arc and microplasma powder cladding on narrow substrate (2009, №06)