Journals, №Lozovskaya

lozovskaya a.v.

Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 13

  1. Lozovskaya A.V., Chajka A.A., Bondarev A.A., Poklyatsky A.G. and Bondarev Andr.A. Softening of high-strength aluminium alloys in different fusion welding processes... 13 (2001, №03)
  2. Labur T.M., Bondarev Andr.A., Lozovskaya A.V., Mashin V.S. and Poklyatsky A.G. Influence of welding process on fracture resistance of joints in aluminium-lithium alloys 1420 and 1460 ... 11 (2001, №07)
  3. Ishchenko A.Ya., Lozovskaya A.V. and Sklabinskaya I.E. Physical simulation of heat processes in HAZ metal during welding aluminium-lithium alloys ... 4 (2001, №09)
  4. Ishchenko A.Ya., Lozovskaya A.V., Poklyatsky A.G., Sklabinskaya I.E., Mashin V.S. and Yavorskaya M.R. Increase in strength of welds in arc welding of alloy 1420 using the Sc-containing fillers. 10 (2002, №01)
  5. Poklyatsky A.G., Lozovskaya A.V. and Grinyuk A.A. Prevention of formation of oxide films in welds on Li-containing aluminium alloys ... 39 (2002, №12)
  6. Bondarev A.A., Lozovskaya A.V. and Shelenkov G.M. Effect of metallurgical heredity of the AMts alloy semi-finished products on their brazing ability ... 13 (2005, №03)
  7. Shejko P.P. , Zhernosekov A.M., Lozovskaya A.V. and Shimanovsky Yu.O. Application of a two-channel system of automatic stabilization of pulsed-arc welding to improve the welded joint quality ... 21 (2005, №06)
  8. Markashova L.I., Grigorenko G.M., Ishchenko A.Ya., Lozovskaya A.V., Kushnaryova O.S., Alekseenko T.A. and Chajka A.A. Effect of scandium additions on structure-phase condition of weld metal produced by welding aluminium alloy 1460 ... 16 (2006, №01)
  9. Markashova L.I., Grigorenko G.M., Ishchenko A.Ya., Lozovskaya A.V. and Kushnaryova O.S. Effect of scandium additions on fine structure of weld metal in aluminium alloy 1460 welded joints ... 20 (2006, №02)
  10. Poklyatsky A.G., Lozovskaya A.V., Grinyuk A.A., Yavorskaya M.R. and Chajka A.A. Improvement of weld strength in arc welding of Al--Cu alloys with application of Sc-containing fillers ... 26 (2006, №02)
  11. Markashova L.I., Grigorenko G.M., Lozovskaya A.V., Kushnaryova O.S. and Fedorchuk V.E. Effect of scandium additions on structure-phase state of weld metal in aluminium alloy joints after heat treatment ... 7 (2006, №06)
  12. Kuchuk-Yatsenko V.S., Lozovskaya A.V., Nakonechny A.A. and Sakhatsky A.G. Resistance welding of aluminuim-steel transition pieces using deformable composite interlayers ... 40 (2006, №08)
  13. Ternovoj E.G., Shulym V.F., Khaskin V.Yu., Shelyagin V.D., Lozovskaya A.V. , Siora A.V. and Bernatsky A.V. Properties and structure of hybrid laser-plasma welded joints in aluminium alloys ... 10 (2007, №11)
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