
Paton Publishing House, №500


All Author for «Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2025)

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Statistics about Coauthors «Electrometallurgy Today»
Author:Number of articlesCoauthorsYears of Publications
nazarchuk a.t.73.1420092019
petrov d.a.152.4720092024
protokovilov i.v.272.1520092024
poleshchuk m.a.113.6420092015
puzrin l.g.53.620092011
shevtsov v.l.73.2920092012
skripnik s.v.60.520092011
yakovchuk k.yu.103.320092022
didikin g.g.132.9220092025
litvin s.e.123.4220092022
grabin v.v.53.620092017
polishchuk s.s.6320092023
telichko v.a.63.6720092016
ustinov a.i.22320092024
shapovalov v.a.743.9520092025
grishchenko t.i.94.4420092023
tsikulenko k.a.6320092014
zhirov d.m.18420092025
paton b.e.8320092021
sheyko i.v.183.3320092020
troyanskiy a.a.73.5720092015
zaytsev v.a.104.420092024
medovar l.b.334.3320092022
ryabinin v.a.55.220092012
saenko v.ya.84.8820092014
zhuravel v.m.56.420092011
trigub n.p.7320092012
ahonin s.v.594.1220092024
melnichenko t.v.143.1420092024
davidov s.i.54.220092012
nikitenko yu.a.283.8220092025
demchishin a.v.83.2520092024
kulak l.d.74.8620092022
lakomskiy v.v.103.620092022
grigorenko g.m.473.1320092019
fedorovskiy b.b.96.1120092015
kurapov yu.a.103.420092022
romanenko s.m.7420092020
berezos v.a.573.9820092024
erohin a.g.234.0420092024
burnashev v.r.294.1420092025
biktagirov f.k.264.3520092024
stepanenko v.v.105.420092020
ryabtsev a.d.54.420092015
gnatushenko a.v.214.1920092025
ignatov a.p.124.9220092023
mushegyan v.o.130.4620092014
kostenko v.i.62.8320092018
kruglenko m.p.62.8320092012
karpets m.v.63.6720092025
gayduk s.v.62.1720092017
kononov v.v.62.1720092017
malashenko i.s.64.1720092014
gasik m.i.113.9120092021
salnikov a.s.75.4320092019
karuskevich o.v.5620102023
yakusha v.v.224.5920102025
gnizdilo a.n.124.6720102025
davidchenko s.v.7620102024
logozinskiy i.n.116.2720102024
belyavin a.f.63.6720102016
kurenkova v.v.152.9320102017
stovpchenko a.p.164.9420102019
polishko a.a.174.5320102024
lebed v.a.57.820102017
krizhanovskiy v.a.6420102021
severin a.yu.394.4120102025
panchenko a.i.55.820102019
rudoy yu.e.93.7820112022
krushinskaya l.a.102.620112025
botvinko d.v.11520112015
statkevich i.i.65.1720112020
kozin r.v.173.4720112025
asnis e.a.6520112011
piskun n.v.84.1320112021
mikitchik a.v.103.620112022
kostin v.a.233.3920112025
fedotov d.a.53.420112016
puzrin a.l.73.1420112024
petrichenko i.k.114.3620112025
vrzhizhevskiy e.l.74.7120112024
selin r.v.154.220112025
tunik a.yu.114.6420122023
stepanyuk s.n.65.1720122018
kalinyuk a.n.63.8320122024
taranova t.g.54.420122022
grigorenko s.g.154.1320122024
zadorozhnyuk o.m.62.520122017
adeeva l.i.55.620122018
stelmah ya.a.82.520122025
lisova l.a.74.1420122022
kolomiets d.v.5520122022
bogachenko a.g.95.7820122024
neylo i.a.75.7120122024
mishchenko d.d.75.4320122024
goncharov i.a.95.4420122024
pikulin a.n.294.2420122023
porohonko v.b.192.4220132024
kozhemyakin v.g.123.9220142018
demchishin a.a.52.620142024
gorobets a.p.55.820142020
zhukov v.v.52.820152024
kalashnik d.a.64.1720152018
korzhik v.n.84.8820152024
boretskiy v.v.5320152022
demchenkov s.o.53.620162024
stovpchenko g.p.83.8820162022
veretilnik a.v.94.2220162024
petrenko v.l.6420162024
pedchenko e.a.84.520172024
belous v.yu.174.4120172025
grechanyuk n.i.73.1420172023
kostetskiy yu.v.6320172024
grechanyuk i.n.63.3320172023
antonyuk s.l.54.820182024
grechanyuk v.g.62.3320182023
kuskov yu.m.72.7120182025
shvab s.l.54.220182025
berdnikova e.n.54.620182023
ovchinnikov a.v.53.820192024
kiyko s.g.85.7520192024
gasik m.m.62.1720202024
barabash v.v.63.6720202025
strogonov d.v.54.820202024
kapustyan a.e.62.6720202023
kalinyuk m.m.53.420222024

Starting from 2024.12.19, you can download PDF files of journals for the year 2023!
(2024) Access to first article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
(2023) Access to all article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
Publication of scientific articles in "The Paton Welding Journal" is free
2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №1 (2025), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №4 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №1 (2025).

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