Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 23
Goncharov I.A., Paltsevich A.P., Tokarev V.S., Veblaya T.S. and Kharchenko N.P.About the form of hydrogen existence in welding fused fluxes ... 27 (2001, №04)
Goncharov I.A., Paltsevich A.P. and Tokarev V.S.Effect of hydrogen in low-alloyed weld metal on pore formation in submerged arc welding ... 20 (2001, №07)
Sokolsky V.E., Roik A.S., Kazimirov V.P., Tokarev V.S., Goncharov I.A., Galinich V.I., Mishchenko D.D. and Shevchuk R.N.Influence of manufacturing technology on the structure and properties of fused fluxes ... 18 (2008, №01)
Golovko V.V., Galinich V.I., Goncharov I.A., Osipov N.Ya., Netyaga V.I. and Olejnik N.N.Agglomerated fluxes — new products of OJSC «Zaporozhstekloflyus» ... 36 (2008, №10)