Journals, №Alekseenko

alekseenko i.i.

Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 6

  1. Grigorenko G.M., Grabin V.F., Golovko V.V., Kostin V.A., Alekseenko I.I. and Kapitanchuk L.M. Procedure of determination of sizes of ultradispersed non-metallic inclusions in metal of low-alloy steel welds ... 26 (2003, №04)
  2. Grabin V.F., Golovko V.V., Kostin V.A. and Alekseenko I.I. Morphological peculiarities of microstructure of weld metal from low-alloy steels with ultralow content of carbon ....15 (2004, №07)
  3. Gedrovich A.I., Tkachenko A.N., Tkachenko S.A., Zelnichenko A.T., Alekseenko I.I. and Bondarenko V.L. Peculiarities of structure and properties formation in 10Kh13G18D steel fusion zone ... 20 (2007, №04)
  4. Kuchuk-Yatsenko S.I., Grigorenko G.M., Novikova D.P., Zagadarchuk V.F., Kharchenko G.K., Grigorenko S.G. and Alekseenko I.I. Effect of energy input on ductile properties of flash butt welded joints in steel X70 ... 2 (2007, №06)
  5. L.I. MARKASHOVA, O.S. KUSHNARYOVA, I.I. ALEKSEENKO Effect of scandium-containing wire on structure and properties of joints of aluminum-lithium alloys produced by argon-arc welding (2014, №06)
  6. O.M. Berdnikova, V.A. Kostin, V.D. Poznyakov, O.A. Gaivoronskii, T.O. Alekseenko, I.I. Alekseenko Structure and crack resistance of special steels with 0.25−0.31 % carbon under the conditions of simulation of thermal cycles of welding (2020, №05)
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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

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