Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 6
Semenov S.E., Rybakov A.A., Kyrian V.I., Filipchuk T.N., Goncharenko L.V., Vasilyuk V.M., Klimonchuk R.V., Stetskiv M.V. and Vlasyuk F.S.Experimental evaluation of the state of metal of long-serviced welded oil pipelines ... 17 (2001, №05)
Semyonov S.E., Rybakov A.A., Goncharenko L.V., Filipchuk T.N., Drogomiretsky M.N. and Pedko B.I.Evaluation of condition of metal of welded pipes of long-operated gas pipelines ... 2 (2003, №04)