
Paton Publishing House, №01


Lazorenko Ya.P.

«The Paton Welding Journal» (2000-2024)
«Automatic Welding» (2007-2024)
«Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2024)
«Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2024)

Author:Number of articlesNumber of articles in TPWJ-AS*-TDNK-SEMYears of Publications
lazorenko ya.p.53-0-2-020082011
  1. Lazorenko Ya.P., Shapovalov E.V., Kolyada V.A. Analysis Of Spectrum Of The Welding Arc Light For Monitoring Of Arc Welding (review)
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2011, №11)
  2. Лазоренко Я.П., Шаповалов Е.В., Скуба Т.Г., Топчев Д.Д., Клищар Ф.С. Исследование алгоритмов сегментации рентгенотелевизионных изображений сварных швов для автоматического обнаружения дефектов ... 37
    (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2009, №04)
  3. Lazorenko Ya.P., Kolyada V.O., Shapovalov E.V., Lutsenko N.F., Skuba T.G. Effectiveness Of Application Of Algorithms For Identification Of Weld Reinforcement In Digital Images
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2009, №07)
  4. Lazorenko Yu.P., Shapovalov E.V., Melnik E.S., Lutsenko N.F., Dolinenko V.V. Efficiency Of Method For Automatic Recognition Of Electrode Imprints In Spot Welding Of Three-layer Honeycomb Structures
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2009, №02)
  5. Лазоренко Я.П. Автоматическое распознавание дефектов на радиационных изображениях сварных швов (Обзор)31
    (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, 2008, №03)

(2024) Access to first article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
(2023) Access to all article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
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Starting from 2023.11.05, you can download PDF files of journals for the year 2022!
2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №5 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №11 (2024), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №3 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №3 (2024).

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