Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 6
SAVITSKY M.M., LUPAN A.F., MELNICHUK G.M. and OLEJNIK O.I.Methods for application of activators in TIG welding of steels 52 (2000, №03)
Bajic D.R., Savitsky M.M., Melnichuk G.M. and Lupan A.F.A-TIG welding of structural steels for power engineering applications. 30 (2002, №09)
Bajic D.R., Melnichuk G.M., Lupan A.F. and Savitsky M.M.Procedure and parameters of A-TIG welding of structural steels ... 31 (2002, №10)
Paton B.E., Savitsky M.M., Gvozdetsky V.S., Krivtsun I.V., Savitsky A.M., Godlis Yu.E. and Lupan A.F.Application of active fluxes and active gases to increase efficiency of arc and plasma welding ... 2 (2003, №05)
Savitsky M.M., Savichenko A.A., Kulik V.M., Lupan A.F., Melnichuk G.M., Chertorylsky L.A., Golub N.A. and Suprunenko V.A.Light-weight welded cylinders for motor transport ... 43 (2007, №01)
Kulik V.M., Savitsky M.M., Lupan A.F., Chertorylsky L.A. and Sukhoyarsky V.E.Argon-arc welding of billets of shafts for metallurgical equipment ... 28 (2007, №10)