bolotov g.p.

Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 5

  1. G.P. BOLOTOV, D.I. KOTELNIKOV and A.F. ROGOVOJ Mathematical modelling of thermal state of the bonding zone between dissimilar metals in glow-discharge diffusion bonding 21 (2000, №02)
  2. BOLOTOV G.P. Optimization of the heat source location in glow-discharge bonding 15 (2000, №03)
  3. BOLOTOV G.P. Peculiarities of heating parts of limited sizes in glow-discharge diffusion bonding 15 (2000, №04)
  4. Bolotov G.P. Glow discharge as a heat source for bonding and brazing processes (Review) ... 36 (2001, №08)
  5. Bolotov G.P. Effect of the state of surface of electrodes on stability of glow discharge under welding conditions ... 36 (2007, №06)
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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

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