
Paton Publishing House, №01


Leshchinsky L.K.

«The Paton Welding Journal» (2000-2025)
«Automatic Welding» (2007-2025)
«Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2025)
«Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2025)

Author:Number of articlesNumber of articles in TPWJ-AS*-TDNK-SEMYears of Publications
leshchinsky l.k.76-1-0-020152021
  1. Leshchynskyi L.K., Ivanov V.P., Matviienko V.M., Stepnov K.K., Vozyanov E.I. Development Of Technology For Surfacing Working Layer Of Variable Composition On Crimping Rolls
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №08)
  2. Лещинський Л.К., Іванов В.П., Матвієнко В.М., Степнов К.К., Воз’Янов Є.І. Розробка технології наплавлення робочого шару змінного складу на обтискні прокатні валки
    (Automatic Welding, 2021, №08)
  3. Leshchinskyi L.K., Matviyenko V.M., Ivanov V.P., Stepnov K.K., Vozyanov E.I. Improvement Of The Surfacing Technology For Large-sized Backup Rolls Of Hot Rolling Mills
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №03)
  4. Ivanov V.P., Leshchynskyi L.K., Shcherbakov S.V. Modeling The Technology Of Deposition Of A Layer Of Variable Chemical Composition
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2019, №11)
  5. Matvienko V.N., Leshchinsky L.K., Mazur V.A. Calculation Of Penetration Zone Dimensions In Surfacing Of Rolls For Billet Continuous Casting Machines
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2018, №07)
  6. Matvienko V.N., Leshchinsky L.K., Mazur V.A. Effect Of Composition Of Electrode Strip On Base Metal Penetration
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №08)
  7. Matvienko V.N., Mazur V.A., Leshchinsky L.K. Evaluation Of Shape And Sizes Of Weld Pool In Surfacing Using Combined Strip Electrode
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №09)

Starting from 2024.12.19, you can download PDF files of journals for the year 2023!
(2024) Access to first article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
(2023) Access to all article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
Publication of scientific articles in "The Paton Welding Journal" is free
2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №6 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №1 (2025), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №4 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №4 (2024).

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