Journals, №Kostenevich

kostenevich e.s.

Total articles published in the journal «The Paton Welding Journal»: 6

  1. O.V. Makhnenko, V.A. Kostin, V.V. Zhukov, E.S. Kostenevich Effect of cooling cycle of welding on structure-phase composition of 15Kh2NMFA steel (2019, №09)
  2. O.V. Makhnenko, O.S. Kostenevych Impact of technological parameters of arc deposition of an anticorrosion layer in the vessel of WWER-1000 reactor on residual stress distribution (2020, №12)
  3. O.S. Kostenevych, J. Ren Prediction of residual stresses after welding of duplex steel taking into account phase transformations (2021, №01)
  4. A. Barvinko, Y. Barvinko, A. Yashnik, O. Kostenevich Evaluation of load bearing capacity of cylindrical shell of above-ground vertical steel welded tank for oil storage after repair (2022, №06)
  5. G.V. Vorona, O.S. Kostenevych, O.S. Milenin, O.V. Makhnenko Reinforcement of an NPP pipeline with a wall thinning defect by applying external weld overlay (2024, №09)
  6. O.V. Makhnenko, O.S. Kostenevich, G.Yu. Saprykina, O.G. Bogachenko, I.O. Goncharov, I.O. Neilo Mathematical modelling of the processes of component diffusion in the core‒graphite electrode system in an industrial arc steelmaking DC furnace of the DSP PS-12 type (2025, №01)
Starting from 2024.12.19, you can download PDF files of journals for the year 2023!
(2024) Access to first article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
(2023) Access to all article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
Publication of scientific articles in "The Paton Welding Journal" is free
2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

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