?> Paton Publishing House, №01

Paton Publishing House, №01


Chervyakov N.O.

«The Paton Welding Journal» (2000-2024)
«Automatic Welding» (2007-2024)
«Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing» (2001-2024)
«Electrometallurgy Today» (2001-2024)

Author:Number of articlesNumber of articles in TPWJ-AS*-TDNK-SEMYears of Publications
chervyakov n.o.2118-3-0-020022024
  1. Yarovytsyn O.V., Cherviakov M.О., Nakonechny O.O., Fomakin O.O., Voronin S.O., Yavdoshchyna O.F. Development And Approval Of The Procedure Of High-temperature Uniaxial Creep Strength Tests Of Difficult -to-weld High-temperature Nickel Alloys Specimens With Microplasma Powder Deposition
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, №09)
  2. Mazurak V.E., Cherviakov M.O., Kushnaryova T.M., Volosatov I.R. Mechanical Properties Of The Reaction-diffusion Bonding Of The Heat-resistant Nickel-based Alloy Chs70vi
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, №08)
  3. Яровицин О.В., Черв’яков М.О., Наконечний О.О., Фомакін О.О., Воронін С.О., Явдощина О.Ф. Високотемпературні випробування на довготривалу міцність зразків з важкозварюваних нікелевих жароміцних сплавів з мікроплазмовим порошковим наплавленням
    (Automatic Welding, 2024, №04)
  4. Мазурак В.Є., Черв’яков М.О., Кушнарьова Т.М., Волосатов І.Р. Механічні властивості реакційно-дифузійного з’єднання жароміцного нікелевого сплаву ЧС70-ВІ
    (Automatic Welding, 2024, №03)
  5. Maistrenko A.L., Bezhenar M.P., Zabolotnyi S.D., Dutka V.A., Cherviakov M.O., Stepanets A.M., Gnatenko I.O., Tsysar M.O. Thermal Processes And Evolution Of Stainless Steel Structure In Friction Stir Welding With A Tool From Pcbn
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2023, №09)
  6. Майстренко А.Л., Беженар М.П., Заболотний С.Д., Дутка В.А., Черв’Яков М.О., Степанець А.М., Гнатенко І.О., Цисар М.О. Теплові процеси і еволюція структури нержавіючих сталей при зварюванні тертям з перемішуванням інструментом з pcBN
    (Automatic Welding, 2023, №09)
  7. Yushchenko K.A., Yarovitsyn A.V., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V., Volosatov I.R., Khrushchov G.D. Evaluation Of Short-term Mechanical Properties Of A Joint Of Difficult-to-weld Nickel High-temperature Alloys Of Zhs6 Type
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2019, №07)
  8. Yushchenko K.A., Yarovitsyn A.V., Chervyakov N.O. Effect Of Energy Parameters Of Microplasma Powder Surfacing Modes On Susceptibility Of Nickel Alloy Zhs32 To Crack Formation
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2017, №02)
  9. Yushchenko K.A., Velikoivanenko E.A., Chervyakov N.O., Rozynka G.F., Pivtorak N.I. Finite-element Modelling Of Stress-strain State In Weldability Tests (pvr-test)
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №12)
  10. Yushchenko K.A., Velikoivanenko E.A., Chervyakov N.O., Rosynka G.F., Pivtorak N.I. Effect Of Anisotropy Of Properties Of Nickel Alloy On Stresses And Plastic Deformations In Weld Zone
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №10)
  11. Yushchenko K.A., Yarovitsyn A.V., Chervyakov N.O. Dependencies Of Discrete-additive Formation Of Microvolumes Of Metal Being Solidified In Multi-layer Microplasma Powder Surfacing Of Nickel Alloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №06)
  12. Yushchenko K.A., Markashova L.I., Zvyagintseva A.V., Khokhlova Yu.A., Kushnaryova O.S., Chervyakov N.O. Microstructural Features Of Multilayer Welds With Different Hot Cracking Sensitivity
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, №02)
  13. Chervyakov N.O. Evaluation Of Thermal Stressed State In Welded Joint Of Alloy Inconel 690
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №11)
  14. Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V., Monko G.G., Pestov V.A. Investigation Of сracking Susceptibility Of Austenitic Material Using Pvr-test Procedure
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, №06)
  15. Yushchenko K.A., Romanova V.A., Balokhonov R.R., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V. Experimental Study And Modelling Of Thermal-deformation Processes Occurring In Welded Joints On Nickel Superalloys
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, №10)
  16. Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V., Monko G.G., Pestov V.A. Comparative Evaluation Of Sensitivity Of Welded Joints On Alloy Inconel 690 To Hot Cracking
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2011, №11)
  17. Derlomenko V.V., Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O. Technological Strength And Analysis Of Causes Of Weldability Deterioration And Cracking
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №09)
  18. Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V. Probable Mechanism Of Cracking Of Stable-austenitic Welds Caused By Oxygen Segregation
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2010, №05)
  19. Yushchenko K.A., Chervyakov N.O., Kalina P.P. Energy Characteristics Of Low-amperage Arcs ... 17
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2006, №04)
  20. Yushchenko K.A., Savchenko V.S., Chervyakov N.O., Zvyagintseva A.V. Character Of Formation Of Hot Cracks In Welding Cast Heat-resistant Nickel Alloys.... 34
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2004, №08)
  21. Chervyakov N.O., Yushchenko K.A. Method For Investigation Of Longitudinal Residual Stresses In Bead On Nickel Alloy Plate Welding ... 38
    (The Paton Welding Journal, 2002, №08)

Starting from 2024.12.19, you can download PDF files of journals for the year 2023!
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(2023) Access to all article from the contents of "The Paton Welding Journal" is open.
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2021.08.07 Proceedings of X International Conference Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies in Welding and Related Processes

The most recent issues of journals on the site

Automatic Welding №6 (2024), The Paton Welding Journal №12 (2024), Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №4 (2024), Electrometallurgy Today №4 (2024).

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